once in a blue moon, give up, take for granted,take into account, make clear
1. once in a blue moon - 뜻: rarely, infrequently: 흔하지 않게, 극히 드물게 - Snow falls on the city of San Diego, California, once in a blue moon. (눈이 흔하지 않게 샌디에고, 캘리포니아의 도시에 떨어진다.) - Once in a blue moon my wife and I eat at a very expensive restaurant. (흔하지 않게 내 아내와 나는 아주 비싼 식당에서 식사한다.) 2. to give up - 뜻: to stop trying; to stop a bad habit; to surrender: 시도하는 것을 멈추다, 나쁜 습관을 멈추다; 항복하다, 굴하다 - I'm sure tha..
2020. 10. 2.
pick out, take one's time, talk over, lie down, stand up
1. to pick out - 뜻: to choose, to select: 고르다, 선발하다 - Ann picked out a good book to give to her brother as a graduation gift. (앤은 졸업 선물로 남동생에게 줄 좋은 책을 골랐다.) - Johnny, if you want me to buy you a toy, then pick one out now. (조니, 내가 너한테 장난감 사주기 원하면, 지금 하나 골라봐.) 2. to take one's time - 뜻: to do without rush, not to hurry: 서두르지 않고 천천히 하다(주로 명령문 형태로 사용) - There's no need to hurry doing those exercise..
2020. 4. 16.