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once in a blue moon, give up, take for granted,take into account, make clear 1. once in a blue moon - 뜻: rarely, infrequently: 흔하지 않게, 극히 드물게 - Snow falls on the city of San Diego, California, once in a blue moon. (눈이 흔하지 않게 샌디에고, 캘리포니아의 도시에 떨어진다.) - Once in a blue moon my wife and I eat at a very expensive restaurant. (흔하지 않게 내 아내와 나는 아주 비싼 식당에서 식사한다.) 2. to give up - 뜻: to stop trying; to stop a bad habit; to surrender: 시도하는 것을 멈추다, 나쁜 습관을 멈추다; 항복하다, 굴하다 - I'm sure tha.. 2020. 10. 2.
as for, feel sorry for, break down, turn out, give up 1. as for - 뜻: regarding, concerning; as to: ~에 관한 - As for the money, we will simply have to borrow some more from the bank. (돈에 관해서 우리는 단지 은행에서 약간의 돈을 빌려야만 할 뿐이다.) - There is no doubt as to her intelligence; she's the smartest one in the class. (그녀의 지능에 관해서는 의심의 여지가 없다; 그녀는 학급에서 가장 똑똑한 사람이다.) 2. to feel sorry for - 뜻: to pity, to feel compassion for; to take pity on: 불쌍히 여기는, 동정심을 느끼는 - Don't .. 2020. 8. 29.
burn up, burn out, make good, stands to reason, break out 1. to burn up - 뜻: to destroy completely by fire; to make angry or very annoyed; to tick off: 불로 완전히 파괴하다; 완전히 화나거나 짜증나게 하다 - She didn't want anyone to see the letter, so she burned it up and threw the ashes away. (그녀는 아무도 그 편지를 보길 바라지 않았다, 그래서 그녀는 그걸 완전히 태워버리고 재를 날려보냈다.) - It really burns me up that he borrowed my car without asking me first. (그가 나한테 먼저 물어보지도 않고 내 차를 빌려가서 정말로 화가난다.) - Mike got .. 2020. 8. 17.
be carried away, up to date, blow up, catch fire, burn down 1. to be carried away - 뜻: to be greatly affected by a strong feeling; to get carried away: 넋을 잃게 하다, 매료되다, 자제력을 잃다, - Paula and Leanne were carried away by the sad movie that they saw together. (폴라와 리앤은 함께 본 슬픈 영화에 넋을 잃었다.) - James got carried away with anger when his roommate crashed his new car into a telephone pole. (제임스는 그의 룸메이트가 전봇대로 자기 차를 박았을 때 화로 자제력을 잃었다(빡쳤다).) 2. up to date - 뜻: modern.. 2020. 8. 7.