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as for, feel sorry for, break down, turn out, give up

by 오일러33 2020. 8. 29.

1. as for


- 뜻: regarding, concerning; as to: ~에 관한

- As for the money, we will simply have to borrow some more from the bank. (돈에 관해서 우리는 단지 은행에서 약간의 돈을 빌려야만 할 뿐이다.)

- There is no doubt as to her intelligence; she's the smartest one in the class. (그녀의 지능에 관해서는 의심의 여지가 없다; 그녀는 학급에서 가장 똑똑한 사람이다.)



2. to feel sorry for


- 뜻: to pity, to feel compassion for; to take pity on: 불쌍히 여기는, 동정심을 느끼는

- Don't you feel sorry for someone who has to work the night shift? (당직 서야하는 사람한테 불쌍함을 느끼지도 않니?)

- I helped drive Pierre around when he broke his foot because I took pity on him. (나는 삐에르가 다리를 다쳤을 때 그한테 동정심을 느껴서 차 태워주는 걸 도왔다.)



3. to break down


- 뜻: to stop functioning: (기계적인 작동) 기능을 멈추다

- I just bought my new car yesterday and already it has broken down.

- The elevator broke down, so we walked all the way up to the top floor.



4. to turn out


-  뜻: to become or result; to appear, to attend; to come out: ~나타나다, ~되다, 결과를 낳다, 참여하다

- Most parents wonder how their children will turn out as adults. (대부분의 부모들은 자녀들이 어른이 되어서 어떻게 될지를 궁금해한다.)

- Hundreds of people came out for the demonstration against new taxes. (수백명의 사람들이 새로운 세금에 대해 반대하는 시위에 참여했다.)

- What was the turnout for the public hearing on the education reforms? (그 교육 개혁 공청회 참가자 수가 몇이야?)



5. to give up


- 뜻: to stop trying; to stop a bad habit; to surrender: 시도를 멈추다, 나쁜 습관을 멈추다, 항복하다

- I'm sure that you can accomplish this task. Don't give up yet! (나는 너가 이 과제를 해결할 수 있을거라고 확신해. 아직 포기하지마!)

- If you give up smoking now, you can certainly live a longer life. (지금 담배피는 거 포기하면, 분명 더 오래 살 수 있을거야.)

- The soldiers gave themselves up in the face of stronger enemy forces. (군인들은 더 강한 적군을 마주하고 포기했다.)

