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catch cold, get over, make up one's mind, change one's mind, for the time being

by 오일러33 2020. 5. 9.

1. to catch cold


- 뜻: to become sick with a cold of the nose or throat; 코나 목구멍에 감기가 걸려서 아프게 되다

- If you go out in this rain, you will surely catch cold. (네가 이렇게 비오는데 나가면, 당연히 감기게 걸릴거야.)

- How did she ever catch cold in such warm weather? (어떻게 그녀가 그런 따뜻한 날씨에 감기에 걸리게 된거지?)



2. to get over


- 뜻: to recover from an illness; to accept a loss or sorrow; 병에서 회복하다, 상실이나 슬픔을 받아들이다

- It took me over a month to get over my cold, but I'm finally well now. (감기 낫는 데 한달 넘게 걸렸어, 하지만 결국은 지금 괜찮아.)

- It seems that Mr. Mason will never get over the death of his wife. (메이슨 씨가 부인의 죽음을 받아들이지 못할 것 처럼 보여.)



3. to make up one's mind


- 뜻: to reach a decision, to decide finally; (마침내) 결정하다

- Sally is considering several colleges to attend, but she hasn't made up her mind yet. (샐리는 들어갈 몇몇 대학을 생각중인데, 아직 결정하진 못했어.)

- When are you going to make up your mind about your vacation plans? (언제 방학 계획 결정할거야?)



4. to change one's mind


- 뜻: to alter one's decision or opinion; 결정/의견 을 바꾸다

- We have changed our minds and are going to Canada instead of California this summer. (우리는 의견을 바꿨고 이번 여름에 캘리포니아 대신에 캐나다 갈거야.)

- Matthew has changed his mind several times about buying a new car. (매튜는 새 차 사는 거에 대해서 몇 번이나 의견을 바꿨어.)



5. for the time being


- 뜻: temporarily; for now; 지금, 임시적으로

- For the time being, Janet is working as a waitress, but she really hopes to become an actress soon. (지금 잠시동안 재닛은 종업원으로 일하고 있지만 그녀는 정말로 곧 배우가 될거라 희망하고 있어.)

- We're living in an apartment for now, but soon we'll be looking for a house to buy. (우리는 지금은 아파트에 살고 있지만, 곧 살 집을 찾아볼거야.)







