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once in a blue moon, give up, take for granted,take into account, make clear 1. once in a blue moon - 뜻: rarely, infrequently: 흔하지 않게, 극히 드물게 - Snow falls on the city of San Diego, California, once in a blue moon. (눈이 흔하지 않게 샌디에고, 캘리포니아의 도시에 떨어진다.) - Once in a blue moon my wife and I eat at a very expensive restaurant. (흔하지 않게 내 아내와 나는 아주 비싼 식당에서 식사한다.) 2. to give up - 뜻: to stop trying; to stop a bad habit; to surrender: 시도하는 것을 멈추다, 나쁜 습관을 멈추다; 항복하다, 굴하다 - I'm sure tha.. 2020. 10. 2.
keep away(from), find fault with, be up to, ill at ease, do over 1. to keep away (from) - 뜻: to stay at a distance (from); to avoid use of; stay away from: 거리를 두다, ~의 사용을 피하다 - Please be sure to keep the children away from the street! (아이들을 거리에서 떨어지도록 주의해주세요!) - The signs on the burned-out house said, "Keep Away! Danger Zone." (불에 탄 집에 있는 간판들에, "멀어지세요! 위험 지역!") - It's important for your health to stay away from dangerous drugs. (너의 건강이 위험한 약물로부터 멀리하는 것은 중요하다... 2020. 7. 29.
get used to, back and forth, make sure, now and then, get rid of 1. to get used to+명사 - 뜻: to become used to, to become adjusted to: 익숙해지다, 적응되다(상황, 행동, 습관 등에 익숙해지는 변화의 과정을 설명) - It took Yoshiko a long time to get used to the food that her American host family served her. (요시코는 미국인 가족이 제공한 음식에 익숙해지는 데 오랜 시간이 걸렸다.) - Mark can't seem to get used to wearing contact lenses; recently he's been wearing his glasses a lot. (마크는 콘택트 렌즈를 쓰는 데 익숙해질 수가 없을 거 같다; 최근에 그는 안경.. 2020. 7. 7.
in time to, get better/worse, get sick/well/tired/busy, had better, would rather 1. in time to+동사원형 - 뜻: before the time necessary to do something; 필요한 어떤 것을 할 시간 전에 - We entered the theater just in time to see the beginning of the movie. (우리는 영화 시작 부분을 볼 시간에 딱 영화관에 들어갔다.) - The truck was not able to stop in time to prevent an accident. (트럭은 그 사고를 막을 시간에 멈추지 못했다.) 2. to get better/ worse, etc.. - 뜻: to become better, worse, etc; 더 좋아지다/ 더 나빠지다 - Heather has been sick for a m.. 2020. 5. 29.